Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dude Week

This week the men in my building, Samuel Morris hall will be participating in Dude Week.

No, its not about being misogynistic or homoerotic, but a week in which we help each other seek God and enjoy living together in relative simplicity.  Most of the men in the hall are engaging in spiritual disciplines at a more intense level starting at midnight on Sunday through chapel on Friday.  

We ask close friends to encourage us and return the favor.

The idea started when Justin Heth noticed that some of the best times around the hall are when the power goes out and guys chill in the hall.  It has become much more.

This year we are joined by a men's hall at Bethel College, who is doing something similar during this week.

As part of my participation I will not be blogging (reading or writing).

Please pray.  


Schedule of Events



-         Pancakes in the main lounge from 8-9pm

-         Jim Spiegel speaking on Spiritual Disciplines on Sammy II at 9pm



          13 Events Planned and the winning floor gets Root Beer Floats.


          Crazy’s Apartment        - Scene It Competition @ 8:45pm

                                                - Dessert Bakeoff - Entries in by 10pm

Basement         - Corn Hole Bean Bag Toss @ 10:00 pm

       - Carpetball starts @ 9:30pm     - Billiards Competition @ 8:30pm

Foundation     - Foosball Tourney @ 9:00pm   - Washers @ 10:00pm

                        - Nerf Gun Dueling @ 9:15pm

Sammy II         - Euchre Tourney @ 9:00pm     - Bible Trivia @ 9:30pm

Brotherhood       - 4 Square Tourney @ 9:15pm

Penthouse                    - Ping Pong @ 9:30pm

Front of Morris   - Nalgene Toss @ 9:45pm


Sign up to win Crazy’s Parking Spot for the month of March @ the Front Desk!!!

Sign up by Friday Night at 1am!  One entry per person!

Winner will be announced through a hall email!


TUESDAY NIGHT – All Hall Dodgeball Game

                9:30-11pm in the Odle Gym


WEDNESDAY NIGHT –Power Outage Night-3pm-3am – power will be shut off at 3pm

-        Enjoy the Community of your floors

-        Taylor Basketball Plays at home at 7pm against Spring Arbor

= remember if you want to save food in your fridge bring it to the front desk with your name on it.

= if you want a wake-up call on Thursday morning come and write your name down at the front desk and the time you want woken up.

= let me know if you need your power on for a certain reason



9PM in the basement.  We will also spend some time singing and reflecting back on what was learned from the week.


Goals of Dude Week

1.     To devote the week to intentionally fellowshipping together.

2.     To grow spiritually and develop some spiritual disciplines.

3.     For all of us to agree to voluntarily deny ourselves something we usually partake in for the week.

1 comment:

BT said...

Dude Week rules... so does your blog.