Friday, January 25, 2008

What did I forget?

I just listening to a chapel message that my friend/boss/mentor/brother Justin Heth gave on January 14.  It is called "Practice Remembering".

Inspired by the message, I began to turn through some pages in my journal.  Here is an entry from sometime in July 2007, when I was about a month into my time facilitating short-term missions in Juarez, Mexico.

Lord, lead me.
Give me your grace.
Speak to me in truth.
Let me not judge.
God, bless the American Christians
Teach me to love
I want to spit on your children,
I am sorry.  Help me to love the Church.
Lord, I want to denounce the radio and the bookstores.

I want to break the rich.
Instead Lord, may I teach LOVE.
I want to show these young people the poor.
Please Lord, may I show them a new friend instead.
Lord I want comfort and rest.

May Your will be done above all.  May I never grow weary of doing what is good.

Daddy, give me grace.  Send Your Spirit upon us, we who are hard and think we are humble.  We who know so much and yet are blind.  We who claim love and turn people down.  We who sin and then criticize.  We who teach and lack wisdom.

Lord--pour out yourself 
Lord--Bless us with humility
Lord- Do your will
AND please come quickly

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